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上海日语翻译-日本玉米饲料短缺 中国玉米重返养殖场

2017/5/4 10:14:17


JAPAN - Japan imported China-grown corn for livestock feed for the first time since February 2010 in March in order to ease shortages, according to the Japanese Ministry of Finance.

根据日本财政部(Japanese Ministry of Finance)报告,为了缓解加工饲料玉米短缺,日本从三月开始进口中国种植的玉米,这是自2010年2月起日本的首次中国玉米进口。

Nikkei Asian Review reports that Japanese livestock farms have suffered from a shortage of grain after heavy snowstorms in January and February caused massive export delays in the US - the world's leading grain producer.Delays to imports sparked concern among Japanese livestock farmers that the corn supply could dry up and pushed Japanese trading houses to import the grain from China.
《日经亚洲观察》(Nikkei Asian Review)报道称,由于美国作为世界主要谷物生产国,在一月和二月遭遇了严重的雪灾冲击后,导致大量的货物延迟出口,因此日本养殖场受到谷物短缺的影响。日本谷物的进口延迟让日本养殖户不经开始担心,玉米供应可能会枯竭,并促使日本贸易公司从中国进口谷物。