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2017/4/11 8:33:10




New Retail is a term that roughly indicates a combination of the best in physical and online retail. In the words of Jack Ma, founder and chairman of e-commerce behemoth Alibaba Group Holdings Ltd, New Retail is making the distinction between physical and virtual commerce obsolete.


A latest example is a strategic partnership announced in February between Alibaba and Bailian Group Co Ltd, a retail conglomerate headquartered in Shanghai. Under the deal, the duo would leverage their troves of consumer data in order to integrate offline stores, merchandise, logistics and payment tools to deliver a better overall shopping experience.



所谓的“新零售”(New Retail)其实就是线上线下的融合(online and offline integration)。阿里巴巴集团CEO张勇认为新零售是商业重构(business restructuring):利用互联网和大数据,将“人、货、场(场景)”等传统商业要素进行重构的过程,包括重构生产流程(production process)、重构商家与消费者的关系(rebuild relationship between business and consumers)、重构消费体验(shopping experience)等。


在阿里和百联的合作中,双方全力打造融合了线上线下购物体验的实体门店,通过地理定位(geo-location)、面部识别(facial recognition)和以大数据内容为支撑的客户管理系统(big data-driven customer management systems),更好为顾客提供服务。同时,双方的支付系统也将整合提升,百联的门店都可接受支付宝付款,而百联的客户预付费卡也可与支付宝账户绑定,可直接用于消费。