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上海食品工程翻译公司 营养学家不会引起发胖食物的原因

2017/5/18 11:37:24

  夏天到来,又到了我们减肥的季节,很多漂亮的姑娘们穿上了心爱的裙子,如果你担心吃东西长胖,那么小编在这里给上海的姑娘们推荐几样绿色食物,他们维生素丰富而且卡路里低。根据上海营养学家Lisa Young博士所说,这些不会引起发胖的食物一般有两类:非淀粉类的水果和蔬菜。上海食品工程翻译公司 营养学家不会引起发胖食物的原因-上海食品安全-上海绿色食品资料翻译-上海食品文件翻译-上海食品行业翻译的领导者 就选上海翻译公司-上海译语翻译公司。

根据营养学家Lisa Young博士所说,这些不会引起发胖的食物一般有两类:非淀粉类的水果和蔬菜。为什么这些食物吃了不会发胖?Young解释如下:
1. 这些食物绝大部分成分是水。
2. 这些食物的卡路里含量低。
3. 这些食物富含纤维,能让人产生饱腹感。

According to nutritionist Dr. Lisa Young, these foods generally fall into one of two categories: non-starchy fruits or vegetables. Young says there are few reasons why you won't gain weight from eating these foods: 
• They're mostly made up of water. 
• They're low in calories. 
• They contain fiber, which helps make you feel and stay full.
Although these fruits and vegetables aren't high in protein, they're packed with plenty of vitamins, antioxidants, and other nutrients that have numerous benefits for your health.