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2017/5/11 9:19:36

  随着学业时间的延长、工作的压力、生活方式的改变,使得越来越多的年轻人延后了谈婚论嫁的年龄。黄金单身汉的就是自身条件优越,长得帅,有钱,是现在的女性幻想完美的男人,各方面都好,而且这样的男人还单身,很吃香,而且还是砖石王老五,如果是富一代 那是超级王老五,如果是富二代,那也是单身汉中的极品货色了。“黄金单身汉”有毒的含义就是指的是自私、感觉迟钝、惧怕承诺的未婚男性。超过40岁的单身男士也被称为有毒黄金单身汉。40岁是一个与种族相关的年龄界限。亚洲人超过31岁还没结婚就会被认为是没人要的单身汉。
1) 由于一些潜在的问题使他们总不能形成长期的恋爱关系,他们总在寻找下一位交往对象。
2 有小孩子情结,永远不想长大。

They also refer to men who remain single past 40. 40 is a race-dependent number. Asians can be considered toxic bachelors if they remain single past 31. 
They can be grouped in following two broad categories: 

1) Those who are always looking for the next best thing, due to some underlying issue that prevents them from forming a long term relationship. 

2) The ones who have a Peter Pan complex and just never want to grow up. 

Most of these toxic bachelors seriously consider settling down once they have a mid-life crisis and see the writing on the wall. Then they try to get married in a hurry to have kids, and to ensure their own immortality through their offspring. 

The yearning for a honeymoon is the most anticipated part of a single wish. 58.17% of men and women believe that although the domestic travel time is more abundant, they will choose to go overseas, honeymoon travel more memorable. Among them, the proportion of women choose to travel overseas up to 72.15%. For the location, Australia has a "romantic island" and "natural scenery" characteristics, 45.6% young men and women in love; wish list is ranked second in Europe, nearly 30% of single men and women think Switzerland, Denmark and other Nordic countries are full of fairy tale, honeymoon trip should be like a fairy tale beauty and is ranked third; the honeymoon, human geography on closeness and language of convenience, safety and consumption level is suitable for selection of domestic travel.