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原创:旅游出行 行李箱小又轻的方法

2017/4/14 14:23:29


五一小长假即将临近,我们很多朋友距离阳光 沙滩 仙人掌 还有一位老船长 的时间已经不远了,你心情一定非常雀跃吧。但收拾行李箱却为你带来了烦恼,现在译语翻译教大家几个小方法,让你轻松上路,不再拉着又大又重的行李箱破坏你旅行的好心情。

Ditch the footwear



Limit yourself to two or three pairs maximum when you go on holiday to free up some room in your suitcase and make it much lighter.



If you’re determined to take a pair that you know is heavier than the rest, wear them for the flight, reducing the weight in your case.



Roll clothes, do not fold



Many people make the terrible mistake of trying to fold their extensive wardrobe into their little suitcase. This, contrary to popular belief, is not the best way to go about packing your holiday goods; it actually makes far more sense to roll your clothes rather than fold them.


Not only does this free up a lot of room but it also prevents your clothes from getting creased.




Starting from the bottom, roll up your shirts, skirts, trousers and dresses into very tightly packed cylinders which you can stack on top of each other like Tetris blocks.


Research the weather beforehand



A great way to prevent packing clothes that you don’t need and won’t even end up wearing is to research what the weather is going to be like where and when you go on holiday.



There are plenty of websites that can predict how hot it’s likely going to be, as well as how much rain on average the destination receives each month.
